Files Set Page / Multiupload:
Now you have a possibility to group files and give your friends links not to every file separately, but one to a group of files!

Why do you need the Files Set Page?
For example you have 10 files which you want to share with your friends. Before, you had to give them 10 links, one to every file.
Now you can upload these files to your account, form them as a Files Set on a separate page and give your friends only one link - the unique link for this page with the Files Set. Your friends may visit it and download all files you wanted to share!

How can I create the Files Set Page?
You can create a Files Set Page in the menu "Files".
Every your folder in this section is a Files Set Page. To create a new one you should:
- Create a new folder and name it. This is the name for your Files Set Page;
- Move to this folder the files you want to put in the Files Set Page (tick off the files and below the page choose the folder from a list);
- To the right of the folder you find the link to the Page with this folder content (the Files Set Page), and this link you may share with your friends.

The amount of folders, as you know, is unlimited. Therefore you can have as many folders as you want!

Every Files Set Page has its unique link.
Files downloads from Files Sets Pages are counted in Bonus Program as usual downloads!
The amount of Files Set Pages is unlimited!

A Files Set Page can be also created from the menu "Upload File". Click the link "Upload several files at once" and you will be redirected to the menu "Multiupload / Files set". Here you can give a name for the new Files Set and upload files to it right away!
The main advantage of this method is that you can upload a GROUP of files (Multiupload) - e.g. several files at once.
Even if you don't want to place your files on Files Set Pages,
you can use it for comfortable files package uploading to!!!
For multiupload click the files selection link, and choose (holding the left mouse button or holding the key Ctrl) several files. Uploading will start right away - files will be automatically in turn uploaded to your account.
When the upload is finished, you may apply to it all usual actions from the menu "Files" (uploaded files are to be in the folder).
Note: For using this option you are to have a Flash Player installed in your browser.

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